Tuesday, May 31, 2016

every bit worthy

I love how this message makes me seem like the protagonist in a Disney/Pixar movie who doesn't discover her full potential until the movie climax. But jokes aside, it actually made me teared a lil on the way to work today. #emotionalmonster (I really need to man up.) It was a much-needed encouragement, in the face of all the cynicism behind smiling faces. A pat-on-the-back suggesting that in navigating this winding path called Career in my Twenties, I might've done something right along the way. Or maybe I just struck gold, in the form of people who are constantly watching out for me and believing in me, even when I don't trust myself. A nurturing mentor, supportive friend or a great example (of a person in general lol), I am lucky to have met you :)

I would really hate to disappoint, and of course I don't intend to. But sometimes the hardest part of the journey is to reassure yourself that you are worthy of the trip, and I know better how much self-assurance I can spare. Me and myself, we need to stop having those dialogues and (likely over-analysed) thoughts about the opportunities that slipped right out of my fingers / the excess weight that's always there / the texts that never came (and the excess weight is still there) / the things that they said, and how all these go into defining one's value and self-worth. Life starts when you get out of your own head and maybe it's really time to start living.

The last time I felt this way was probably when I was deciding on whether to pursue Soci or Econs LOL. That seemed like the most life-changing decision at 20, only to reveal itself as a speck of dust in a Virgo's galaxy of decisions/worries when she's 25. No wonder people miss school. Soci was a great decision though, and I hope that my stronger, undefeated 27/28 yr old self could come by and laugh at how I was being a stupid, overreactive fuck about putting myself out there at 25.


  1. I'm sorry to be off-topic, but I'm having a problem with my computer that you might be able to help me with. It's when I'm in Blogger. (All other areas seem to be working fine) Whenever I push the button that contains the words 'new post', the word 'loading' comes up - and it lasts a LONG time. Eventually, it does seem to work, but I have to wait 45 minutes or longer! Have you had this problem, and what are you doing to fix it? My computer is an HP Chromebook 14 (laptop) and you can contact me as follows:


    Thanks again for your help.

  2. Phòng khám phụ khoa Thiên Hòa chuyên điều trị các bệnh Vô sinh nữ, Rối loạn kinh nguyệt, kể cả Viêm lộ tuyến cổ tử cung hoặc Khí hư ra nhiều và đồng thời còn Khám phụ khoa. Bạn cũng có thể điều trị các loại bệnh xã hội như Bệnh giang mai, Bệnh lậu hay Bệnh sùi mào gà, thậm chí là Mụn rộp sinh dục, Bệnh chlamydia hoặc bệnh Rận mu
