Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm on my way to becoming Alright

I must be nuts to even think of updating this space instead of clearing the mountain of work before me, considering how I'm striking off stuffs from my mental to-do list at tortoise speed. In short, I'm very behind schedule and will probably feel like a train wreck by Friday - the due date for 2 reports which I have not started on. But this is nothing new. Like always, I'll die but the assignments will be handed up, then I'll come back to life again. Procrastination power.

Been having the urge to blog because I need to tell this to the world (okayyy, or at least friends who bother to read this space); my first article Double Shots: YouTube Music Duos for FASS Insomniac is up! Friends, you can click on the above image/link to read it; feedback very much welcomed and appreciated. :) As mentioned previously, I haven't really had anything mapped out for the future but i guess everyone's ideal would be to do something which they have a passion for and that's probably also the best place to start. Been thinking of trying out journalism since poly days but never took things any further than that. :/ Thanks to a friend in uni, I got into Insomniac and am finally gonna attempt what I set out to do then. If all goes well, I'm hoping that practice will eventually make me good enough to do journalism even after uni. Like they say, 'Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life'. But if it doesn't (say I realized that this may not be my thing after all), at least I didn't let myself down by not trying at all. We'll see. On a happier note, the fatty also seems to be more conscientious towards his work now that he's in Secondary 1. His latest results are probably the most satisfactory ever in his entire 13 years of life LOLLL. As his self-centered/irresponsible sis, I am proud of him :)

I want to do more happy posts, instead of mindless ramblings on how I'm falling apart, simply because I deserve to. Because staying in the same spot wouldn't bring back people who have moved on, and it's just pathetic trying to get over someone who wasn't exactly there in the first place. Because if people wanted you in their lives, they would've made an effort greater than pretending not to see you along the walkway. Because overthinking wouldn't understates the sad truth that they have, in fact, superficially left you for the better. Because crying yourself to sleep at night leaves you with nothing but ugly puffy eyes in the morning. And because after all that I've been through, I realized you're not worth it. Not even the puffy eyes.

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