Saturday, March 17, 2012

sleep monster

credits to leoneskc.tumblr

The entire week has been pretty much about dozing off, naps, continuous snoozing (if I heard the alarm, that is) and waking up late followed by a mad rush to school/complete assignments. In other words, SLEEP. I don't know why, but it seems like I feel tired and lacked of sleep all the time?! When I actually did sleep quite a bit. In fact, I've been sleeping sooo much my mom asked if I had some sleeping disease and cabby called me a 'Sleeping God' after the 594964957th time I told her that I couldn't make it to class cos I'd overslept. And lately, I just can't seem to hear the alarm anymore; always fail in my attempts to wake up in the middle of the night to complete work. So much so that I got frustrated and decided that the problem must be my oh-so-comfy bed <3 so I shifted to nap on the sofa instead; but NO. It's not my bed, it's me. Maybe I'm always tired because I never got enough rest in the first place; cos of all the waking up and fail going back to sleep again and subconsciously worrying about work undone while struggling to resist the temptation to continue sleeping but fail - it disrupts the entire sleep cycle so while I sleep much, I don't sleep well. In conclusion, I should complete my work first so I can just sleep through. Oh time management, gla, time management. 

In other news, I've got the livejournal (to sell my preloved stuffs) up and going again. It just makes me happy being able to clear my clothes clutter and receiving positive feedback from buyers (though i do meet some who can really make my blood boil) :D Though it can't really be considered as a hobby, it's something I really enjoy doing. Maybe I should start my own blogshop one day, it would be nice! Maybe lahhhh LOL. 


Oh, and I found this yday. Love their voices!

Maybe I would have been something you'd be good at 
Maybe you would have been something I'd be good at
But now we'll never know